A message from your Member of Parliament Richard Cannings South Okanagan - West Kootenay RichardCannings.ndp.ca Enjoy our beautiful region safely this summer Be prepared and fire smart at home and as you get outdoors and enjoy everything our region has to offer. Get Prepared KNOW THE HAZARDS MAKE A PLAN BUILD A KIT From PreparedBC Learn how to prepare at: preparedbc.ca/wildfires To learn about current wildfire activity, open burning prohibitions, evacuation alerts, evacuation orders and more: Website: bcwildfire.ca Twitter.com/EmergencylnfoBC Facebook.com/BCForestFirelnfo Scan the QR code to download the app: BC Wildfire Service RichardCannings.ndp.ca Call: 250-365-2792 Email: Richard.Cannings@parl.gc.ca Report wildfires: *5555 or 1-800-663-5555 A message from your Member of Parliament Richard Cannings South Okanagan - West Kootenay RichardCannings.ndp.ca Enjoy our beautiful region safely this summer Be prepared and fire smart at home and as you get outdoors and enjoy everything our region has to offer. Get Prepared KNOW THE HAZARDS MAKE A PLAN BUILD A KIT From PreparedBC Learn how to prepare at: preparedbc.ca/wildfires To learn about current wildfire activity, open burning prohibitions, evacuation alerts, evacuation orders and more: Website: bcwildfire.ca Twitter.com/EmergencylnfoBC Facebook.com/BCForestFirelnfo Scan the QR code to download the app: BC Wildfire Service RichardCannings.ndp.ca Call: 250-365-2792 Email: Richard.Cannings@parl.gc.ca Report wildfires: *5555 or 1-800-663-5555