M&MMARKET save $11 LOWEST Chicken Strips 1779 PRICE MAGIC OF THE SEASON 27-33 PIECES 1.36 kg of the season GUARANTEED MAM HO mmfoodmarket.com ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9 TO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Prices of producti tut teture the MAM food Market evarti Soecial logo ar ecuste to memben of the MAM Food Market Rowirt program. Simply pesent your membershp cart, or sign up tor a treemembenhig in store or onlins, to take advantage of these excutive ofe. MEM Food Market Epres and other non-taditional stor offer a lmted ange of products theretore special pricing and promotions are not vald at MM Food Market Express or other non-taditional stores "Lowet Price of the Season" is ur puaratee to you, tict to he tolowing qualications, that you will et ater tis tyer's epiny period see a lower price on these selected tems at MAM Food Market, ecluding MAM Food Murket Epress locatios nd partnen, me "Taotional Locatios hom Novenber 18, 221 u Decenber 31, 2021 me "uatee Period Hyau fieda lower advertised price at ur Tadonal Lacations during the rantee Perod you can bring your oriptte one of our Tadilona Locations and receive a store oredit fe the difrence between the price you paid and the new advetied prics. NOTE Guarantee is only vald tor MM Food Market Rewards customertansactions M&MMARKET save $11 LOWEST Chicken Strips 1779 PRICE MAGIC OF THE SEASON 27-33 PIECES 1.36 kg of the season GUARANTEED MAM HO mmfoodmarket.com ALL PRICES IN EFFECT THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9 TO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2021 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. Prices of producti tut teture the MAM food Market evarti Soecial logo ar ecuste to memben of the MAM Food Market Rowirt program. Simply pesent your membershp cart, or sign up tor a treemembenhig in store or onlins, to take advantage of these excutive ofe. MEM Food Market Epres and other non-taditional stor offer a lmted ange of products theretore special pricing and promotions are not vald at MM Food Market Express or other non-taditional stores "Lowet Price of the Season" is ur puaratee to you, tict to he tolowing qualications, that you will et ater tis tyer's epiny period see a lower price on these selected tems at MAM Food Market, ecluding MAM Food Murket Epress locatios nd partnen, me "Taotional Locatios hom Novenber 18, 221 u Decenber 31, 2021 me "uatee Period Hyau fieda lower advertised price at ur Tadonal Lacations during the rantee Perod you can bring your oriptte one of our Tadilona Locations and receive a store oredit fe the difrence between the price you paid and the new advetied prics. NOTE Guarantee is only vald tor MM Food Market Rewards customertansactions