LEE DAVIDSON What is the "green" Q. option? A. Awareness about how our actions impact the environment has led to a new burial option known as Green Burials. The process is simple. The Advanced Planning Director body is wrapped in a biodegradable shroud or placed in a biodegradable casket, then laid directly into the earth in a designated section of a cemetery. Usually, the spot remains unmarked, in keeping with the low-impact ethos of the movement. Eventually the plot can, and should, be used again. While there are many factors to consider like religious and cultural traditions, cost, and personal wishes, a green burial can be a good option to explore for families who are looking for an alternative to cremation. Speak to your Advanced Planning Director about what options are available in your local cemetery. Bylaws differ from location to location, green options are becoming more widely available. P PROVIDENCE FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORIUM PENTICTON | 1258 Main Street |250-493-1774 SUMMERLAND | 13205 Rosedale Avenue | 250-494-7752 www.providencefuneralhomes.com Partners with Park Lawn LEE DAVIDSON What is the " green " Q. option ? A. Awareness about how our actions impact the environment has led to a new burial option known as Green Burials . The process is simple . The Advanced Planning Director body is wrapped in a biodegradable shroud or placed in a biodegradable casket , then laid directly into the earth in a designated section of a cemetery . Usually , the spot remains unmarked , in keeping with the low - impact ethos of the movement . Eventually the plot can , and should , be used again . While there are many factors to consider like religious and cultural traditions , cost , and personal wishes , a green burial can be a good option to explore for families who are looking for an alternative to cremation . Speak to your Advanced Planning Director about what options are available in your local cemetery . Bylaws differ from location to location , green options are becoming more widely available . P PROVIDENCE FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATORIUM PENTICTON | 1258 Main Street | 250-493-1774 SUMMERLAND | 13205 Rosedale Avenue | 250-494-7752 www.providencefuneralhomes.com Partners with Park Lawn